





















連邦調達規則(Federal Acquisition Regulations:FAR)、原価計算基準(CAS)、その他の政府が行うユニークな契約行為や会計上の要求条件等は、商業行為の中では、特に見慣れないというものでもなく、不便なものでもなく、嫌ならやめることも出来る。




一方、国防総省のARPA(The Advanced Research Projects Agency:先端研究プロジェクト局)は、元NASAの弁護士であったリック・ダン氏が就いている総務審議官の指導のもと、異なった取引方法を使っている。最近、私がこの方法を調べた時点では、ARPAの全予算使用目的の80パーセント以上がこの体制で実施されており、その大部分は、全開発コストの少なくとも50パーセントを民間企業に割り振られている。















しかし、我々は彼らのサービスに対してNASAの資金を使いたくない。その代りに、われわれは、もし彼らの支援が成功裏に終了した場合のみ、彼らが報酬を得られるよう、道筋を見つけるといった方法と取りたい。これは丁度、ベンチャー企業支援事業(incubation business)やベンチャーキャピタル企業が、事業の開始時から公正な立場を取ることに似ている。



Silicon Graphics Inc 
Satellite rescue 
Medical safety 
Business park 
DeBakey heart pump 
Solar power air-crafts 
Remote sensing 
Reusable launch system 





1000人までは到達しなかったが、それは、我々が、食事や宿泊などで手間取ったために会議の参加登録を停止したためである。非航空宇宙関連からの参加があった。スペースコムのロー・ドブ氏がいたし、ディズニーも参加した。 CNNも参加した。マクドナルドとバーガーキングも役割を期待した。挙げたら切りが無い。



NASA Commercialization Update
Given to
The NASA Advisory Council
Glenn Research Center

Daniel C. Tam
Assistant to the Administrator
For Commercialization

3 August, 1999

Good morning. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share with you what we have been doing at NASA relating to Commercialization.

As many of you know, I have been in my current job as Assistant to the Administrator for Commercialization since March this year. While I have been busy running around the country, literally, I know for sure that I don't need 45 minutes to tell you what we have done, and where we are heading.

But in addition to some questions and answers, I would like to spend some time with you to see if I can get some help from the Council as we expand our reach into the non-traditional non-aerospace arena.

While I have been fortunate to know many of you before taking this job, it is perhaps not well known to most of you as to what I am supposed to be doing. So at the risk of telling you things that you already know, let me start from the very beginning.

As all of you know, the NASA budget has been coming down for seven consecutive years. This is in absolute terms. Never mind that the US economy is doing well, and spending cap notwithstanding, the total federal budget has been going up every year.

When Dan Goldin took over as the NASA Administrator, the agency budget was just under $14.5B, a little over 1% of the federal budget. Today we are talking about $12.2B, less than 0.7% of the $1.7T plus federal budget. As the federal budget increased by 25% during this period, NASA was asked to absorb a 13% reduction.

There is something wrong with this picture.

I for one was actually happy to see the Administrator scream and fight back last week after the mark down from the Mark Up. Even if we get back what the House Appropriation Subcommittee Markup Conference had marked down, we are still only at _ of one percent.

Dan Goldin gets real mad when I tell him that he does not have to take his "better, faster, cheaper" philosophy to such extreme.

What we have today is a far cry from the height of the Apollo days, when we received between 4% to 5% of the budget. The same percent would give NASA an annual budget of over $75B today. Now we can go places with that kind of money.

But we are not getting that kind of money. And we still want to go places.

For the foreseeable future, unless Congress really sock it to us, which would make matters even worse, we can expect over 40% of the NASA budget be tied up in just two programs, the Space Shuttle and the International Space Station. That does not leave much for developing cutting edge technologies and going beyond low earth orbits.

I call this the ghetto funk, having just enough to get by and barely staying alive. One small mishap, it is wipe out city.

In order to do more out of what we have, we have to find ways to increase and accelerate the commercialization of NASA assets and systems.

My job is to pick and choose the high leverage high pay off opportunities, turn over operation, ownership and control to the private sector as soon as possible, and at the same time help them commercialize the goods and services so that NASA and the Government will become just one of many customers.

The thinking is that if NASA can just buy these goods and services from the commercial sector which is governed by market forces, we can not only save money because the commercially driven mass-produced items will be cheaper, we can then concentrate our resources on advanced technology development and exploration. To benefit life on earth of course.

One of the guiding principles that I use on this job, and I believe the Administrator concurs, is that I would have a virtual organization that is made up of people from Headquarters, the Field Centers and Program Offices because they eventually have to buy into the philosophy and process.

It is our job at Headquarters to provide motivation and take down barriers so that Commercialization will become part of everyone's job description, just as Safety and Reliability are today. I will come back to this later.

As I pointed out earlier, since the Space Shuttle and ISS programs take up such a significant portion of the NASA budget, I have spent most of my time and effort in trying to bring in commercial customers, not just suppliers to these programs.

But before I get into some of the specifics of what we have done, let me spend a few minutes on why we have not had more commercialization successes within the Agency.

We all know that Commercialization talk is nothing new with NASA. In fact, the 1958 National Aeronautics and Space Act required that "NASA seek and encourage to the maximum extent possible the fullest commercial use of space".

I have also been reminded often, before and after I took this job, that there had been many Assistants to the Administrator for Commercialization. So with all due respect to the Assistants before me, if I am to succeed, I have to find ways to do things differently.

I see three reasons why we have not had more commercialization of NASA assets and systems. One of them has been fixed for us, with much pain and perhaps damage to us all. If we do not fix the other two on our terms, the future of NASA, and the Nation's space program, may be darker than the black holes that we have yet to find.

As I said earlier, there was really little economic reasons for NASA to really push for commercialization in its first 30 plus years. With the exception of a few years in the early to mid 70s, and all the way through the early 90s, the NASA budget had always increased from the previous year. Remember increased and accelerated commercialization means risk and discomfort. Rhetoric or not, it is still the economy. Stupid or not.

Good or bad, nobody can accuse us of being fat, dumb, and happy any more.

The second reason for not having more commercial success is that our people, systems, and infrastructure were all set up not to be commercial.

The Cold War was mostly responsible for our existence and success. NASA and the Government were not only the leader but actually the market for advanced technologies. For good and bad reasons, the government felt that it could, should, and did set all the rules. An industrial base grew up in response to this view.

And as the military and space budge grew, so did the difference in culture between Government and Commercial businesses.

Federal Acquisition Regulations, Cost Accounting Standards, and many government unique contracting and accounting requirements are not just unfamiliar and discomforting to the commercial world, they can be down right turnoffs.

It is now quite obvious that the Government is no longer the leader in many of the advanced technologies and applications. Yet the infrastructure, policies and procedures are very similar that those used in the past 40 years. Perhaps even more significantly, the people are trained and motivated pretty much the same as they have had in the same period. Lots of us get very uncomfortable if we cannot hold onto FAR and CAS.

Everything starts and ends with the people we have. We must start to educate and train our people if we expect them to do commercial business. Not that they all have to learn how to play golf, but some Wall Street talk and investment training will do us good. Most commercial deals do not start with the Government sending out RFPs and going into black outs.

Now the 1958 Space Act and the 1998 Commercial Space Act actually allow us to use "other transactions" to enter into business relationships. These other transactions are not governed by the FAR. Unfortunately most of our people are not aware of and ill-equipped to use this wonderful tool.

The Advanced Research Projects Agency, or ARPA of DoD, on the other hand, under the guidance of its General Counsel, Rick Dunn, who used to be an attorney at NASA, is using other transactions. The last time I checked, over 80% of the total ARPA dollar commitments were done through this mechanism, and most of them have the commercial entity contributing at least 50% of the total development cost.

We have to start training, developing, and motivating our people to do the same.

The third reason for our "non-performance" is the lack of real incentive.

Whether we privatize or commercialize, the end result is that the NASA people would turn over what they do to the private sector. This means they no longer have their jobs! Now you try to make a living selling that to our managers and employees. If fact you may not stay alive if you are not careful.

So if commercialization is good for the Nation and its economy, we must find a way to make it good for the NASA folks too.

As it stands at this moment, the law actually makes it hard for NASA to increase and accelerate commercialization. Among other things, the NASA statutes prohibit us from "competing with commercial providers", and in the unlikely event that we do generate commercial receipts, the US Treasury makes sure that we never see, let alone touch the money.

So what have we done so far?

First, let me report that after months of hard work between NASA and the White House, we now have a draft amendment to the 1998 Commercial Space Act in front of Congress. It is a demonstration program to commercialize ISS. As the advertisement would say, some limitations apply.

Nevertheless, this bill, if passed will allow NASA to price goods and services below marginal cost if the Administrator feels that it is necessary to stimulate commercial business, and if the business is successful, NASA is allowed to retain receipts from royalty, revenue or profit sharing agreements.

I believe this will make a big difference in how the NASA people would consider turning over activities to the private industry if they know the result is not unemployment, but more freedom and resources to work on the next great project.

The other thing that we are working on is to find a way to integrate the many technology and commercial related activities and align them better with the NASA missions.

If we count all the money that we spend on Small Business Innovation Research, Commercial Technology Transfers, Education and Outreach, the total is over $200M a year.

While it is good for the thousands of companies that receive this money, the return to NASA can be improved. We are looking into bringing in investment bankers and venture capitalists to help us evaluate, select and manage our technology business partners.

But we donユt want to pay them with NASA money for their services. Instead, we would like to find ways to let them get their compensation if and only if the business that they help develop becomes successful. This is like the IBs and VCs getting for their contribution equity positions from start ups.

Take a look at the Wison-Soncini Headquarters, some of us call the Memorial, at the corner of El Camino Real and Page Mill Road in Palo Alto. It works.

This is one area I can see the NAC helping out. You can help us better focus on the technologies that we ought to be pursuing, and perhaps help identify potential business partners.

Now please forgive me if I don't get into specific details on some of the potential commercial deals that we have been working on because I need to protect the identity of our prospective partners until we are ready to go public with the business arrangements.


Silicon Graphics Inc
Satellite rescue
Medical safety
Business park
DeBakey heart pump
Solar power air-crafts
Remote sensing
Reusable launch system

There are many more leads that we are chasing.

I am also thinking of putting together an advisory board to get me some help.

We at NASA have something very valuable. The more we get to share with the industry, academia, and the general public, the more valuable they will become. The hundreds of thousands of people before us left us a treasure. It is our responsibility to expand it and pass it on.

We had a very successful Space Shuttle Development Conference at Ames Research Center last week. While we were hoping to get 300 to 400 people (registration fee was $350), we ended up with over 700 people registered.

The number did not go to 1000 only because we had to stop registration as we ran out of everything, from programs to food to accommodations. There were lots of non-aerospace people in attendance. Lou Dobbs of was there and he would like a piece of the action. Disney was interested. So was CNN. McDonalds and Burger King also wanted to play. The list goes on and on.

I fully expect the next conference to be hosted by someone other than NASA and USA.

I really believe that we have gotten the ball rolling. We need to find ways to bring in more commercially biased people. This can be the beginning of something big. And with lots of hard work and a little bit of luck, we may just be able to return to our glory days and perhaps once again go where no human has even gone before.

Thank you very much for your attention. I hope I will get to work with many of you a lot more in the near future.

I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. If you don't have any questions, then I will ask mine.